$43000.00蚊港幣一英尺! 剛剛從新聞報導中得知今天拍賣山頂地王的成交價。一個天文數字.....
香港真是一個神奇的地方! 從前人人謂遍地黃金, 雖然今時不同往日但依然每天有奇蹟發生。自97年後經歷過6年低潮...8萬5、金融風暴令人人財富蒸發....03年"沙士"更曾經令港人明白世界上還有東西比錢(親情、健康、愛)更重要。今天走到街上, 人人看著大利市機、股民一窩蜂的逢股必抽....賣地成績更比97更高更狂, 市道看似不賴...但身為小市民的你和我依然為明天掙扎, 為將來打拚。貧富差距越來越大, 小市民工作時間越來越長、生活壓力、精神壓力很多時令人竄不過氣。
今天身為香港人的我不想無病呻吟。只是有點受感吧! 香港在變、一切也在變.....我也不能幸免, 只望可變得更好吧, 當然世事並無不勞而獲.....
愛因斯坦: "世界上唯一不變的, 就是世界不停在變。"
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
過了平平淡淡的一天。很舒服, 很悠閒...
睡醒了, 聽著收音機;
在家中走來走去, 洗衫, 煮點東西當lunch;
看看電視, 看看書.....累了.....睡一睡...zzz
晚上....到跑馬地....跑步, 再做點exercise....1,2,3.....
睡醒了, 聽著收音機;
在家中走來走去, 洗衫, 煮點東西當lunch;
看看電視, 看看書.....累了.....睡一睡...zzz
晚上....到跑馬地....跑步, 再做點exercise....1,2,3.....
Sunday, December 03, 2006
昨晚和一班大學同學去BBQ。不單為大DINE, 也為SANDY & KENNIX 興祝生日。 簡簡單單的一晚, 說說笑笑....整晚笑聲不絕; 哈哈...(我們鄰近在BBQ的人, 以為我們瘋了吧!)
KI, WAI, JESSIE, BENNY, NICKY....一行11人+JESSIE 的美食+BENNY&WAI的攪笑+SALLY&DINE的笑聲....當然KI更是不可或缺的重要人物啦!
KI, WAI, JESSIE, BENNY, NICKY....一行11人+JESSIE 的美食+BENNY&WAI的攪笑+SALLY&DINE的笑聲....當然KI更是不可或缺的重要人物啦!
Monday, November 20, 2006
終於在一起 - Wai and Jessie
昨日 係 wai and jessie 的婚禮。真係好開心見到他們終於結婚了, 莫明的興奮、開心、感動在心中。 睇住佢地由開始至結婚, 全程跟到足...更令我感受到他們的幸福, 永遠祝福你地!
一班大學同學充當"兄弟、姐妹", 好warm 好close...Benny, wai, ki, nicky, 姐妹們, 好開心一齊發癲的日子!
一班大學同學充當"兄弟、姐妹", 好warm 好close...Benny, wai, ki, nicky, 姐妹們, 好開心一齊發癲的日子!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
生活忙碌成了現代人的 "must"。因為忙所以沒有空和朋友見面, 或許在別人眼中只是藉口。但每天工作後疲累得要死.....是真的。今晚因maria的婚宴有機會見見一班舊日大學的朋友。
雖然沒有太多的溝通, 但依然開心。
雖然沒有太多的溝通, 但依然開心。
Sunday, November 12, 2006
一個一個的紅色炸彈, 不斷的送到手中。每次收到都會想到這些朋友已前的模樣....已前的片段...., 已前的"他/她"今天快走進人生的另一個階段了。心裡總會替"他們"高興, 同時也會提醒自己不可以原地踏步...當然還要記得"做人情"....
Monday, November 06, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
沉淪後, 再出發...
很想看書, 到書店走走但找不到想看的
不想停下來, 但找不到方向
想開解自己, 聊聊可以嗎?
Working like a dog in the past month. Seems lost myself in it and lost my direction, hope i can pull myself out of it and rethink about myself...stop and think (just like the slogan of crossing a traffic road)
but the 1st thing is to ....recover from sickness.
很想看書, 到書店走走但找不到想看的
不想停下來, 但找不到方向
想開解自己, 聊聊可以嗎?
Working like a dog in the past month. Seems lost myself in it and lost my direction, hope i can pull myself out of it and rethink about myself...stop and think (just like the slogan of crossing a traffic road)
but the 1st thing is to ....recover from sickness.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
full feeling, full moon fest.
Different Chinese festival have different meaning. Mid-Autumn emphasis on "full", "Together". Dinner with lovable ones in mid Autumn night is gorgeous.
I had a "mini" mooncake + 1/8 big mooncake this year. Yesterday night i got downstairs and said "hi" to the big moon! see you next year!
I had a "mini" mooncake + 1/8 big mooncake this year. Yesterday night i got downstairs and said "hi" to the big moon! see you next year!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
"Take Me Home"
Long time no see,
Good to see you as happy as before,
Good to see you sons photos,
Nice to talk to you,
I still remember the time work with you, remember the encouragement from you....
Good to see you as happy as before,
Good to see you sons photos,
Nice to talk to you,
I still remember the time work with you, remember the encouragement from you....
Autumn is a lovely season. I love it.
A season for BBQ
A season for bike and cabriolet
A season with Blue...
A season with Breeze
New clothes, boots, coats.......is coming. Enjoy the time as it is not that long in a year...
A season for BBQ
A season for bike and cabriolet
A season with Blue...
A season with Breeze
New clothes, boots, coats.......is coming. Enjoy the time as it is not that long in a year...
Monday, September 18, 2006
When the time i was small i always think the above two should be very normal in human beings or existing everywhere in real world. But in reality it seems rarely can see....
people around you with mask, the words you heard are fake........
"I love you" all around, but in fact please ask yourself "you really love him/her".......
If you found someone you love, you have someone love you, .....treasure you feeling, treasure your real love.
people around you with mask, the words you heard are fake........
"I love you" all around, but in fact please ask yourself "you really love him/her".......
If you found someone you love, you have someone love you, .....treasure you feeling, treasure your real love.
Just heard from mom, one of her best friend got cancer....sorry to hear this....when the time my mom told me she has tears, i felt pain from my mom's tears...
Recent years i remember she got several friends died due to cancer, .....dad, mom, brothers...may be you guys always think i said too much but i really hope you guys can be happy and healthy forever.....
Dear Auntie....pls take good care and i will pray for you.
Recent years i remember she got several friends died due to cancer, .....dad, mom, brothers...may be you guys always think i said too much but i really hope you guys can be happy and healthy forever.....
Dear Auntie....pls take good care and i will pray for you.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
愛得太遲 歌手:古巨基 作曲:楊鎮邦@宇宙大爆炸 填詞:林夕 編曲:雷頌德
我過去 那死黨 早晚共對
而終於 相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水
日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻
而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心
最心痛是 愛得太遲 有些心意 不可等某個日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志
最可怕是 愛需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 偏要推說等下一次
我也覺 我體質 彷似下降
而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕
日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久
錯失太易 愛得太遲
我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意
愛一個字 也需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 不要相信一切有下次
相擁我所愛又花幾多秒這幾秒 能夠做到又有多少
未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉
多少抱憾 多少過路人
太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引
縱不信運 你不過是人
理想很遠 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心
世界有太多東西發生 不要等到天上俯瞰
我過去 那死黨 早晚共對
而終於 相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水
日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻
而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心
最心痛是 愛得太遲 有些心意 不可等某個日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志
最可怕是 愛需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 偏要推說等下一次
我也覺 我體質 彷似下降
而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕
日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久
錯失太易 愛得太遲
我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意
愛一個字 也需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 不要相信一切有下次
相擁我所愛又花幾多秒這幾秒 能夠做到又有多少
未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉
多少抱憾 多少過路人
太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引
縱不信運 你不過是人
理想很遠 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心
世界有太多東西發生 不要等到天上俯瞰
Long long time didn't go for movie, ...big projection screen, dark environment....seems strange to me....felt a bit strange when i am looking at the big screen....
anyway thanks for the movie and the dinner from soon.
anyway thanks for the movie and the dinner from soon.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
大開眼戒 陳奕迅
不要著燈能否先跟我 摸黑 吻一吻
如果我 露出了真身 可會被抱緊
誰都不知我 心底有多暗
如本性 是這麼低等 怎跟你相襯
試問誰可 潔白無比
願赤裸相對時 能夠不傷你(但你知一個人 誰沒有隱秘)
如果我 露出斑點滿身 可馬上轉身
如基因可以 分解再裝嵌
重組我 什麼都不要緊 假使你興奮
幾雙手 幾雙腳 方會令你喜歡我 順利無阻
你愛我 別管我 幾雙耳朵
若你喜歡怪人 其實我很美
不要著燈能否先跟我 摸黑 吻一吻
如果我 露出了真身 可會被抱緊
誰都不知我 心底有多暗
如本性 是這麼低等 怎跟你相襯
試問誰可 潔白無比
願赤裸相對時 能夠不傷你(但你知一個人 誰沒有隱秘)
如果我 露出斑點滿身 可馬上轉身
如基因可以 分解再裝嵌
重組我 什麼都不要緊 假使你興奮
幾雙手 幾雙腳 方會令你喜歡我 順利無阻
你愛我 別管我 幾雙耳朵
若你喜歡怪人 其實我很美
Saturday, August 19, 2006
從來覺得買禮物給朋友或其他人並不容易, 要有心思、實用、不太貴、不太寒酸、要當時人起歡, 有時更要有紀念價值....嘩...真不易...但如果你的禮物能夠令收禮者喜歡, 自己真的會很開心。
最近一個朋友買了一份生日禮物給太太.....他的太太很開心, 雖然口說"浪費"卻完整晚抱著不放。當然我也比了一些提意....聽到這個結果, 我自己都好開心。
真的很久沒有自制禮物....送比人。一些相片、一個小樽、一些海沙.....一個諾言, 一份禮物。這幾年拍下 一些照片, 或會選一些送給朋友....自家制作, 只此一家。在我自己, 心意比價值重要 "物輕可以情義重"。當然要是從喜歡的人手中收到就更是喜上心頭了。
最近一個朋友買了一份生日禮物給太太.....他的太太很開心, 雖然口說"浪費"卻完整晚抱著不放。當然我也比了一些提意....聽到這個結果, 我自己都好開心。
真的很久沒有自制禮物....送比人。一些相片、一個小樽、一些海沙.....一個諾言, 一份禮物。這幾年拍下 一些照片, 或會選一些送給朋友....自家制作, 只此一家。在我自己, 心意比價值重要 "物輕可以情義重"。當然要是從喜歡的人手中收到就更是喜上心頭了。
原來在忙碌的生活中找一點時間去想想自己的事情盆並不容易.....一個婆婆的話令我想起一些電影情節, 一些自己的事。生活中要取得平衡並不易, 很多事情更是控制不了....
努力做想做的, 其他的.....please leave me alone!
努力做想做的, 其他的.....please leave me alone!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
一年一度的書展, 已經成了香港人的一個盛事。幾十萬的入場人數....一年多過一年....
上一次到書展已經是幾年之前了, 已經想不起是何年何日。每次逛書展, 總不能盡興而回。因為人太多的關係, 好多時有行年宵的感覺......人推人只能往前走, 不能停更不能後退......每次行的時間多看的時間少。自小喜歡看書, 雖然不是什麼都看也不是什麼書痴、書蟲, 但一有時間總會到書局流連.....看看新書, 找找舊書, 有趣的, 總之什麼都看看。逛書店已成了一個習慣, 一星期1-2次....慢慢看, 來來回回....打一會書釘.....在書店裡時間好像比外面慢一點, 可以令自己也放鬆一點...."它"在我繁忙、疲憊的生活中, 不單找到一些精神食量外, 也是一所讓心靈短暫休息的好去處。
上一次到書展已經是幾年之前了, 已經想不起是何年何日。每次逛書展, 總不能盡興而回。因為人太多的關係, 好多時有行年宵的感覺......人推人只能往前走, 不能停更不能後退......每次行的時間多看的時間少。自小喜歡看書, 雖然不是什麼都看也不是什麼書痴、書蟲, 但一有時間總會到書局流連.....看看新書, 找找舊書, 有趣的, 總之什麼都看看。逛書店已成了一個習慣, 一星期1-2次....慢慢看, 來來回回....打一會書釘.....在書店裡時間好像比外面慢一點, 可以令自己也放鬆一點...."它"在我繁忙、疲憊的生活中, 不單找到一些精神食量外, 也是一所讓心靈短暫休息的好去處。
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
another place of the world
The time in another place of the world alone gave me time to think, to rest, to put hk aside for a while.....seems lots of feeling in my mind, but can't tell in a systematic way. Many 1st time in this trip for myself, 1st trip to go alone, 1st time in hostel, 1st time to buy sonvenirs for mom, dad, brothers,....1st time makes me feel "time" is running super fast in HK.....
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Final Night
A month's time, 32 teams x 23 players all over the world, sweating on the pitch, criticize all around, good news, bad news...Tonight is FINAL. Every football player's dream, even me...
No matter you are in the final or not, if you already deliver your best then no sadness and sorrow but pround of yourselves!
Zidane show us what is a "legend" tonight..! Both team, listen! Good Show tonight!
Blessing you all.
No matter you are in the final or not, if you already deliver your best then no sadness and sorrow but pround of yourselves!
Zidane show us what is a "legend" tonight..! Both team, listen! Good Show tonight!
Blessing you all.
It is a freezin sunny day in here today, join the day tour to somewhere called BLUE MOUNTAIN...it is an all day trip from 07-19 all day long. Although it is quite a long day trip, still a nice trip to look around the a nature and wildlife in Aust..
I don't have computer, even tv, radio in my room....besides a bed there is nothing, it seems quite incredible for me to live in such an environment alone for a certain period, may be it is a good time to think think....in hk all day long with tonnes of work to do but infact i love the live in hk more.
It is the winter time in here, freezing morning and night after sunset....normally after 5pm, it just like a dead city...just like the environment in HK at the mid-night....you can't do anything, you can't shopping, quite difficult to find a place to eat, to walk or even to have a drink. Luckily there are still very little shop, resturant and convenience store still working or i'll die in here.
Several days live makes me feel i am the native in here....although i can't be and i don't want to be....the world seems stop after 5pm, so ppl in here can have more liesure time and more private life for themselves but not like us in HK...work from 7-19 or even longer hours....everyday exhausted.....endless cycles...how we can enjoy or think about our life....
I miss hk, hk is the best place in my mind. Not only my home but it is really the best place in the world and also in my mind! No matter where i go, i am always with YOU my dear HK.
Hope to see YOU - HK, soon!
I don't have computer, even tv, radio in my room....besides a bed there is nothing, it seems quite incredible for me to live in such an environment alone for a certain period, may be it is a good time to think think....in hk all day long with tonnes of work to do but infact i love the live in hk more.
It is the winter time in here, freezing morning and night after sunset....normally after 5pm, it just like a dead city...just like the environment in HK at the mid-night....you can't do anything, you can't shopping, quite difficult to find a place to eat, to walk or even to have a drink. Luckily there are still very little shop, resturant and convenience store still working or i'll die in here.
Several days live makes me feel i am the native in here....although i can't be and i don't want to be....the world seems stop after 5pm, so ppl in here can have more liesure time and more private life for themselves but not like us in HK...work from 7-19 or even longer hours....everyday exhausted.....endless cycles...how we can enjoy or think about our life....
I miss hk, hk is the best place in my mind. Not only my home but it is really the best place in the world and also in my mind! No matter where i go, i am always with YOU my dear HK.
Hope to see YOU - HK, soon!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Originally i think i would have chance to and computer or get online during the time i am not in hk, but luckily there is a 24 hrs convenience store just less than one minute beside my hostel...so i try try to do some update in here.
This is 2nd day I am in Aust, nothing but sightseeing by myself may be even more tire than the time i need to work....but without pressure from work, ppl and anywhere else is helpful enough for me to have a time to take a breath.
Still days to go....looking forward to have further adventure for myself.
miss you all and hk
This is 2nd day I am in Aust, nothing but sightseeing by myself may be even more tire than the time i need to work....but without pressure from work, ppl and anywhere else is helpful enough for me to have a time to take a breath.
Still days to go....looking forward to have further adventure for myself.
miss you all and hk
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
A trip
Don't know why i do this, don't know what will happen, .....
Need to go alone, need to run away.....
Want to take a breath, want to take break....
Hope to see the world, hope to find my way....
nothing else.....but go....
Need to go alone, need to run away.....
Want to take a breath, want to take break....
Hope to see the world, hope to find my way....
nothing else.....but go....
不經不覺, 四強已定。德、意、法、萄, 敢問一下, 有幾人可以估中? 老生常談, 波係園既....踢波講求實力、狀態、發揮, 當然不可或決 - "運氣"。比賽結果往往出乎意料, 正因為比賽是實在的, 不是空談...要不是大家像玩 "撲克牌"一樣, 你出"郎拿甸奴", 我出"李健和".....唔駛打波, 你嬴!
人生如戲, 也如球賽.....沒有"嬴硬", 也沒有"輸定", 努力不一定嬴、但幾可肯定放棄一定"輸"。盡了力, 結果往往聽天由命或要看運氣吧! 做人做事, 只要盡了力, 問心無愧.....其他交比"祢"啦!
雖然世事往往不能盡如人意....但我還是相信只要盡了力, 用了心....已經係最好了!
人生如戲, 也如球賽.....沒有"嬴硬", 也沒有"輸定", 努力不一定嬴、但幾可肯定放棄一定"輸"。盡了力, 結果往往聽天由命或要看運氣吧! 做人做事, 只要盡了力, 問心無愧.....其他交比"祢"啦!
雖然世事往往不能盡如人意....但我還是相信只要盡了力, 用了心....已經係最好了!
Monday, June 26, 2006
你們的家 -soon/eva
看見你地一天一天為未來努力、相親相愛, 真替你地開心.....哈哈。見到你地的新居就更加"眼火爆".....what a nice place to live....更給我一個家的感覺。
Hope you2 can live peacefully with those "原居民" - insects and pets......
Hope you2 can live peacefully with those "原居民" - insects and pets......
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
"時間係唔會等人嫁"....一句老生常談的說話, 每次聽到總會有當頭棒喝之感。人生在世幾十載, 總會遇上十字路口, 站在紅綠燈前...人來車往、面前一切一切總有猶豫不決、不知所惜的時候。這些年來, 每當想起這一句話就不其言像多了一鼓動力叫自己勇敢地向前走....做你想做的、愛你所愛的、說你想說的。喜歡以前的我比現在勇敢...今天的我是比前長大了、顧慮多了..或在別人眼中我變得沒有以前的自我, 沒有以前的執著.........但是否我不再勇敢?
這一刻我不想停下來, 只想繼續走...做我想做的、愛我所愛的、說我想說的...表達方式或有不同, 但我依然是我。
這一刻我不想停下來, 只想繼續走...做我想做的、愛我所愛的、說我想說的...表達方式或有不同, 但我依然是我。
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sai kung 06
Long time didn't swim or get close with nature.....nicky, thanks for your arrangement for the event. Although i didn't play anything, still a good time for me to touch with the breeze and sea water.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
A bit strange sitting in the lecture room, picking up the pencil again, write down something have to note; wearing the glasses, looking at the slides projecting....After certain years of working life in the reality world, i think i really need to refreshing myself. Do want grap every moment in the coming days but no more wasting.......be brave to the future.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
back to school
Planning for years, finally make it true. Although just a part-time still a new element in my boring life.
Responsibility, pressure, relationship problems makes me want to escape from the real world .....may be just a while. Something endless around me makes me want to be alone.
Can i have my own way without tonnes of burden?......Learning each day, asking myself each day, hope it is coming one day
Can i have my own way without tonnes of burden?......Learning each day, asking myself each day, hope it is coming one day
life long
Seems a long time didn't post anything here...my PC was down, even myself was down....exhausted for a week.
something is life long which cannot not be solve, or cannot be cure.....just need time or may be it will have a solution but just not as you wish. I am not "superman", i am just as normal as you and me...can you all give me a break?
something is life long which cannot not be solve, or cannot be cure.....just need time or may be it will have a solution but just not as you wish. I am not "superman", i am just as normal as you and me...can you all give me a break?
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
physically and mentally tireness....makes me sleepless, headache, moody and sick
can i empty myself for a while to let me see the scene ahead?
hope i can recover asap
can i empty myself for a while to let me see the scene ahead?
hope i can recover asap
i am sick
i am sick for a week...
my PC was down with me too...
not an easy week for me. Frustration is all around, sometimes life is not that easy to make decision..
do want to be lazy,
do want to be empty,
let me put everything aside but get my healthness back..
my PC was down with me too...
not an easy week for me. Frustration is all around, sometimes life is not that easy to make decision..
do want to be lazy,
do want to be empty,
let me put everything aside but get my healthness back..
Thursday, March 23, 2006
我不懂音樂, 不會樂器, 也不常聽歌。一個不明音樂的我卻自小喜歡了唱歌。小時候在不明所以的情況下成為 school choir 的一份子。一大班小朋友看著老師的手上下揮舞, 在鋼琴的伴奏下, 看著黑板上完全唔明的英文歌詞...一句一句歌起歌來。每當臨近聖誕節、校興、感恩節時, 大家都會爭取在"小息"短短的15分鐘或放學後加緊practice, 當其他人在足球和籃球球場上玩樂時我就和一班不太相熟的同學仔歌起歌來。每次唱歌總是很珍惜, 聽著琴聲, 看著指揮...每次表現都很興奮。看見台下的聽眾由喧嘩到肅靜到聽到掌聲, 很有滿足感...這份感覺不是唱karaoke可以相比...
這些年來每逢聖誕節, 到大型商場看到一班一班的合唱團現場表演....我總不自覺地停下來看看....
這些年來每逢聖誕節, 到大型商場看到一班一班的合唱團現場表演....我總不自覺地停下來看看....
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Hope i can have better management on myself, time of living and work....
Loss of passion makes me lazy, makes me slow down, makes my stressful, tire...
I hate myself when the time i make things into mess......i should be more generous to myself but not too hard for myself, right?.........something i cannot control, something unavoidable i have to accept with normal heart.....
How i can be a better son, friend, guy? How i can better to myself?
Loss of passion makes me lazy, makes me slow down, makes my stressful, tire...
I hate myself when the time i make things into mess......i should be more generous to myself but not too hard for myself, right?.........something i cannot control, something unavoidable i have to accept with normal heart.....
How i can be a better son, friend, guy? How i can better to myself?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
In this reality world,
i can silent for heavy workload
i can silent for working alone
i can silent for being treated as transparent
i can silent for misunderstand
i can silent for unfairness
but i can't cheat myself....i can't kill my passion...
i can silent for heavy workload
i can silent for working alone
i can silent for being treated as transparent
i can silent for misunderstand
i can silent for unfairness
but i can't cheat myself....i can't kill my passion...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
To all my dear friends and those who love me,
Thank you so much for yours warm blessing to me....it is always a back up and energy for my life....
i love you all
Thank you so much for yours warm blessing to me....it is always a back up and energy for my life....
i love you all
7/3/2006, stepping in another stage of life...in other people's eyes i didn't have any so call achievement in life till this moment but infact i gain a lot, i learn a lot, i feel a lot. Everthing changing so fast around me, the place i am living/lived, the people aroundpassing by me, the people i am working/work with....the most important is the change of me. I can realize that i am so lucky in this world, thank god that i can have such a fruitful life till this moment.......
This the 7th years i step away from college, i never tell others i have written down some little targets since i came out from college....fortunately some over achieved, some still behind, some are still on track. Year by year, each year i will have different planning and target for myself. It is not any "big target" or "achievement"....but just simple life targets to make myself keep going!
Meeting with friends you'll feel life is such a amazing thing, you never know what you get...may be i should say do what you can do with your best is the best way for you life. In these years i never realized i got so many good friends, such a good family (although many problem before), even those "bad" or bitter life experience didn't beat me down but makes me growth.......
I believe there will be more and more chanllenges coming to me...hope i can do better, best wishes and good luck to all of my dear friends around me.....let's going!
This the 7th years i step away from college, i never tell others i have written down some little targets since i came out from college....fortunately some over achieved, some still behind, some are still on track. Year by year, each year i will have different planning and target for myself. It is not any "big target" or "achievement"....but just simple life targets to make myself keep going!
Meeting with friends you'll feel life is such a amazing thing, you never know what you get...may be i should say do what you can do with your best is the best way for you life. In these years i never realized i got so many good friends, such a good family (although many problem before), even those "bad" or bitter life experience didn't beat me down but makes me growth.......
I believe there will be more and more chanllenges coming to me...hope i can do better, best wishes and good luck to all of my dear friends around me.....let's going!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
empty mind
Empty me, empty mind...
Always ask myself to get rid of work every night....to empty my mind before sleeping...
reading, radio....tv.....with tire body....dead body.....
Always ask myself to get rid of work every night....to empty my mind before sleeping...
reading, radio....tv.....with tire body....dead body.....
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
To My friend
February 18,2006 珍惜
踏入新一年,身邊好友們都遇上人生的難關,有工作、愛情,也有家庭。可以幫上忙的不多,當一個聆聽者,我想我還是稱職吧。我也曾經歷過人生低潮,是“禍不單行”的一種。Be Positive!最老土、也是最管用的。難關還是越早來越好,越年青,越有勇氣面對困難。有了面對逆境的經驗,將來會更懂得面對。況且,不論怎麼樣,事情總會有個解決方法,只是那個方法未必是自己想的那一個。樂觀、積極地面對,分神作去做第二種事情,不要老是往牛角尖鑽。他日回望,你會發現,原來從個點起,已經走出谷底了。自走出那個谷底,我學懂了珍惜,因為我深深明白了,昨日的不可追,未來的不懂尋,只有“現在”是最實在的!
Comment from ahlun:
我想我能明白你的感受, 因為近年發生在身邊的一切也令自己得到很多體會、感受....自願也好、不自願也好的改變了很多。不知是好是壞, 只是真的感到自己一天一天的在成長....
願我們都能夠有更美好的明天啦! 努力啦! sure it is not an easy task for us!
踏入新一年,身邊好友們都遇上人生的難關,有工作、愛情,也有家庭。可以幫上忙的不多,當一個聆聽者,我想我還是稱職吧。我也曾經歷過人生低潮,是“禍不單行”的一種。Be Positive!最老土、也是最管用的。難關還是越早來越好,越年青,越有勇氣面對困難。有了面對逆境的經驗,將來會更懂得面對。況且,不論怎麼樣,事情總會有個解決方法,只是那個方法未必是自己想的那一個。樂觀、積極地面對,分神作去做第二種事情,不要老是往牛角尖鑽。他日回望,你會發現,原來從個點起,已經走出谷底了。自走出那個谷底,我學懂了珍惜,因為我深深明白了,昨日的不可追,未來的不懂尋,只有“現在”是最實在的!
Comment from ahlun:
我想我能明白你的感受, 因為近年發生在身邊的一切也令自己得到很多體會、感受....自願也好、不自願也好的改變了很多。不知是好是壞, 只是真的感到自己一天一天的在成長....
願我們都能夠有更美好的明天啦! 努力啦! sure it is not an easy task for us!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
好久不見你了....你知道我每次見到你生活開開心心, 我都會不自覺的替你高興。原來看見別人開心, 自己也可以好開心....還記得以前和你共事的日子...我不開心的、你不開心的...一切切....
今天見你生活得好, 幸福滿到漏....我真係好開心。當然我知你有你唔開心的時刻, 但見到你克服一切有今日的日子.....只有給你一句..."哈哈哈"。希望你和你一家永遠開心、幸福、健康!
今天見你生活得好, 幸福滿到漏....我真係好開心。當然我知你有你唔開心的時刻, 但見到你克服一切有今日的日子.....只有給你一句..."哈哈哈"。希望你和你一家永遠開心、幸福、健康!
You Time - Narcissus 水仙
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
complaints & sharing
i am so happy to receive complaints from my blog readers, thanks for your complaints. Thanks for visiting here, when the time i know somebody keep visiting here it keeps me share myself with all of you.
Dear readers,
i am sorry i can't satisfy yours need.
sharing is not easy in nowadays world, difficult to have suitable audience/ topics/ time/ chance..you have to trust the audience, you are not afriad to show real you, you are not afraid to tell you secret, so you share/ suitable topic so that there will be symphony with you/ living in such a horrible cosmopolitan time is limited besides work......
i am always a super "slow heat" guy in other people's eyes, somebody even think i am a hoarse guy....in the past. Sharing is a kind of relief and enriching our life and horizon; if with suitable person, suitable time, suitable chance, suitable topic it is surely a lovely event
thanks for yours sharing and listening my dear friends
Dear readers,
i am sorry i can't satisfy yours need.
sharing is not easy in nowadays world, difficult to have suitable audience/ topics/ time/ chance..you have to trust the audience, you are not afriad to show real you, you are not afraid to tell you secret, so you share/ suitable topic so that there will be symphony with you/ living in such a horrible cosmopolitan time is limited besides work......
i am always a super "slow heat" guy in other people's eyes, somebody even think i am a hoarse guy....in the past. Sharing is a kind of relief and enriching our life and horizon; if with suitable person, suitable time, suitable chance, suitable topic it is surely a lovely event
thanks for yours sharing and listening my dear friends
Thursday, January 05, 2006
人與人的相處從來都是一門不易的學問、藝術。科學可以用同一方法在不同時間、地方反覆驗證; 但藝術就是不會重複, 不同人, 不同時間都會有不同的結果而且可能是永遠不能明白也不能理解的。今天這是對, 明天這是非....所有人與人之間的事很多時都不能理解、更沒有絕對的是與非...
同一個人, 因為自私、利益、為了討好別人, 今天明天都有不同的角色; 講不同的說話......今天我們同仇敵愾、明天不是你死就我亡。朋友、情人、工作伙伴, ....究竟誰是真心、誰是假意....或者本來就沒有對與錯.....只是我太天真罷。
這一切一切每一天都令我窒息....或者凡事不應太執著, 學習放開、放鬆。做一個令人喜歡的人好難, 原來在今天的世界想做回自己也不易.....
同一個人, 因為自私、利益、為了討好別人, 今天明天都有不同的角色; 講不同的說話......今天我們同仇敵愾、明天不是你死就我亡。朋友、情人、工作伙伴, ....究竟誰是真心、誰是假意....或者本來就沒有對與錯.....只是我太天真罷。
這一切一切每一天都令我窒息....或者凡事不應太執著, 學習放開、放鬆。做一個令人喜歡的人好難, 原來在今天的世界想做回自己也不易.....
My dear friend,
Today is your day
You know i am very happy to see you wedding day; nothing to say but just a tranditional message: Best wishes to Jeffrey and you happy forever from my heart!
Today is your day
You know i am very happy to see you wedding day; nothing to say but just a tranditional message: Best wishes to Jeffrey and you happy forever from my heart!
count down
31/12/2005, the last day of 2005.....no special feeling about it, may be i am not really sensitive to time. 2005 is going to leave us, that means i am getting one year older am i really being older or so call mature in all aspect? I felt a lot, saw a lot, thought a lot in 2005; in my work, life, family, ....the most impressive is relationship between people. It makes me change, makes me believe what is reality....i hate fake, i hate hypocrite, i hate gossip
no pay, no pain.....hope i can still be myself no matter what happen
Goodbye 2005, i learn a lot from you!
thanks a lot
no pay, no pain.....hope i can still be myself no matter what happen
Goodbye 2005, i learn a lot from you!
thanks a lot
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