Thursday, March 23, 2006


我不懂音樂, 不會樂器, 也不常聽歌。一個不明音樂的我卻自小喜歡了唱歌。小時候在不明所以的情況下成為 school choir 的一份子。一大班小朋友看著老師的手上下揮舞, 在鋼琴的伴奏下, 看著黑板上完全唔明的英文歌詞...一句一句歌起歌來。每當臨近聖誕節、校興、感恩節時, 大家都會爭取在"小息"短短的15分鐘或放學後加緊practice, 當其他人在足球和籃球球場上玩樂時我就和一班不太相熟的同學仔歌起歌來。每次唱歌總是很珍惜, 聽著琴聲, 看著指揮...每次表現都很興奮。看見台下的聽眾由喧嘩到肅靜到聽到掌聲, 很有滿足感...這份感覺不是唱karaoke可以相比...

這些年來每逢聖誕節, 到大型商場看到一班一班的合唱團現場表演....我總不自覺地停下來看看....


Anonymous said...

I don't know y? the feeling for singing choir and karaoke is totally different!! I can feel peace and joyce in choir, but, so depress after singing k..maybe K giving me 開心, Choir gives me 喜悅 which lasts longer in my heart!!
so, long long time no singing karaoke!!!

ahtong said...

dear, time in secondary school always make people think about , and I am sure if I can have a chance seeing u singing on the stage will be a great experience for me ..... when u sing, I could see confident in ur eyes..... it's so special ......