Monday, February 26, 2007


農曆年初九一切回服 "正常" 又或其實這所謂 "正常"才是不正常。每日睡眠不足, 被強大的壓力包圍, 工作12-18小時, 一星期工作7天, 每天陽奉陰違.....這就是"正常"?

活在現實當中, 我們只有在現實中追尋自我、追尋自己想要的、想做的吧。圍繞在大家身邊能夠做自己想做, 過著自己想過生活既人少之又少。每日努力工作或每日辛苦工作又不是為了想自己和自己身邊的人活得開心和活得好一點吧! 在這個物質社會上能獲得富足的生活已不容易, 要得到心靈的滿足就更難了....或者我們每日為生活, 為生存工作的同時也要平衡自其他的生活所需....或者如老生常談 - 開心、滿足與否, 很多時 "原" 全在於 "你"。

你同意嗎? 你又做得到嗎?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


農曆新年四天的公眾假期今天已是最後一天了。在每個打工仔心中假期永遠不夠....年二十九行花市; 初一、二拜年; 初三終於可以休息了。但明天又要返工了...

農曆新年總得見見一些很久沒有見面或不太熟識的親戚和朋友。雖然沒有太多話題, 但這也不失為一個比大家保持聯繫的機會。或者人大了心態也不同了。無論西曆2007新年或農曆新年, 我都有著同一些新年目標。 工作、健康.....各樣各樣。

朋友們, 祝願各位來年: 身體健康、心想是成、賺多D、開開心心。

Monday, February 05, 2007

14 days after

14 days non-stop working without an holiday. Besides work, home and sleep, really don't have energy to do anything else. These 14 days, seems a long way to do. 2 internal presentation to big big boss - i got pass in it and one presentation for the big big world cardiac congress - i got an well done from my boss and audiences. In the past 2 years I really done lots of things I never experience, although they were not easy I really gain a lot and learn a lot thourhgout the journey. But what i need now is to take a rest at home....let me stay with my books, radio, and ...bed.