Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sai kung 06

Long time didn't swim or get close with nature.....nicky, thanks for your arrangement for the event. Although i didn't play anything, still a good time for me to touch with the breeze and sea water.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

06 album

Already prepare a folder for "06 album", when i can have time and mood to fit it....


A bit strange sitting in the lecture room, picking up the pencil again, write down something have to note; wearing the glasses, looking at the slides projecting....After certain years of working life in the reality world, i think i really need to refreshing myself. Do want grap every moment in the coming days but no more wasting.......be brave to the future.

Sunday, May 07, 2006




從來無論做任何事情都唔多唔少加了一些"感情"在內, 包括工作.....可能因為如此每次遇到問題, 總令自己有點不開心。慢慢地發覺活在今時今日的社會實在有太多太多問題要面對, 學懂放下對我來說真的很重要.....
工作太認真、凡事太用心、對人太認真倒頭來竟傷害了自己。 學懂處理人與人的關係, 更要學識對自己好一點。