Quite a long time didn't have such a long holiday (a week)...In the past years of work, holiday seems meaningless to me i never when is holiday, when to have public holiday. Everytime i see my colleagues counting the public holidays on their calendar planning where to go, each time i see this i really have no feeling to this. Sometimes i even don't know tomorrow is public holiday, during working i just filled with working stuffs but no others....everytime i only know after my colleagues told me......i am always a stranger to holiday.
This week wake up anytime i want, go bookstore, go gym, go out with my camera....wondering in the bookstore to read something, have a run in gym, get a touch with my lovely old camera. I have a feeling "Is this my life of retirement?", um.....it is not too bad if still have energy to such kind of things. It gives me a break to think about myself, what i have done, what i am going to do....etc...
The meaning of holiday seems a bit change to me in recent years, really feel a bit tire of work as i am those fully devoted to work when i am working....1,2,3...years....i think i still the passion in my work, i think i have acheived what i planned to do 3 years ago....thank you god and thanks for everything. When i take a break and look back to what i have done, yes i felt satisfactory of what i paid, but i think in the coming future i have change a bit of my working style....keep my passion just different style....i think i need to have a more balance living myself in the coming days, i trust it can bring me to another stage of life and work.
Hope i can be better, do better....day by day.