Money, status, family, soul, satisfaction, that what you are looking for? As time goes, we keep changing our destination, when you were 20s, 30s, or 40s....sometimes even we don't know what exactly what we want. When the time I am standing in the middle of the road or in a cross of the road.....balance in between is also not easy, may be we should learn from kids.....keep it simple ans stupid! Dear kids please be my teacher ^_^
That's why kids are so beautiful!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
peaceful mind
can have a peaceful mind is kind of blessing in life....even just a day. It is not easy for us in such a cosmopolitan, working like a dog day by day. Sometimes holiday not really holiday, right? How to make vacation like an "vacation" is a kind of art...haha
Sunday, November 15, 2009
剛剛出席了一個朋友的婚禮, 一個在教堂舉行的天主教式的婚禮。這些年來到過不同的婚禮、婚宴, 依然覺得在教堂舉行的比較有氣氛都會令我印象深刻一點。30過外, 身邊總有不少同年齡的朋輩先後結婚....結婚這東西總會成為我們生活話題的一部份。"你幾時結婚呀?" "幾時到你呀?", 一些可能我會問人, 或是被人問及的 "問題", 都會在朋友或親戚聚會中出現。我從來沒有因為這些問題而覺得難堪...可能我覺得每個人有自己的story, 只會專注於自己的那部份相信做好自己就好了。 婚姻這個大題目不是三言兩語說得清...當然結婚的各有原因、不結婚的也自有其所以....因為愛、也因為找不到愛, 因為壓力、也因為喜歡自由身, 因為金錢、也因為我可以財政獨立....因為阿媽喜歡、因為這, 也因為那.....
記得今日婚禮中, 神父講的一句說話 "你們相信嗎?", "你們不信, 就什麼婚姻制度、什麼法律制約也沒有用", "一世的 committment" "十年、二十年以後的也不能預測, 一生一世更看似遙不可及...", "只要你們相信可以, 也就可以!"...信念才是一切。在我自己的生命中, 信念、信心、相信否於我很重要, 婚姻制度或一世的 committement 也可能是一樣...
沒有家就沒有國,....一切要由你我做起, 修身、齊家、治國、平天下....不得不配服幾千年前我國的聖賢...
記得今日婚禮中, 神父講的一句說話 "你們相信嗎?", "你們不信, 就什麼婚姻制度、什麼法律制約也沒有用", "一世的 committment" "十年、二十年以後的也不能預測, 一生一世更看似遙不可及...", "只要你們相信可以, 也就可以!"...信念才是一切。在我自己的生命中, 信念、信心、相信否於我很重要, 婚姻制度或一世的 committement 也可能是一樣...
沒有家就沒有國,....一切要由你我做起, 修身、齊家、治國、平天下....不得不配服幾千年前我國的聖賢...
Monday, November 02, 2009
What's our destination?!?!
Life is funny....caz it can have different pathway, different point of view, different perspective...sure it will interpretated by different people as well. Nowadays it is not easy you can find someone can talk with you freely...
Just talked with a good friend freely last week, I love that feeling....we talked about life, career, relationship, talked about ourselves...what we think, our pt of view towards life, value in life....even Buddish...."Tao" broad....really happy. Thank you my friend.
Think about Life...think about something....what is our life target? or what is our destination?
Lots of people around me...always tell me that "I would like to experience more or explore more about the world, I want to go travel to more places, may go there to live for years in order to experience more"; "I want to do something that others won't do"; or "I don't care about others but I just want to do something I love".....when the time you told somebody you life target is having a family being a mother or father.....others will think you are so boring, you are not interesting enough, you are not enjoying life.....that's not life....
Is that right? my mind being what you are, doing what you want, no matter it is an "interesting" in others mind...can also be our life goal. Be ourselves be true to ourselves but not fitting others mind only. We can lie to the world by can't lie to ourselves ...
I may be boring in your mind, I may be not attractive, you may not like me, you may even hate me.......I will still go for my life destination, step by step. No matter going to the moon or just completion with your dipolma course.....its yours...pls go for it, There is no need to be a "huge or legendary one" .....but it must be the one being "yours"....
Autmun came....all my dear friends, take care and pray for you all
Just talked with a good friend freely last week, I love that feeling....we talked about life, career, relationship, talked about ourselves...what we think, our pt of view towards life, value in life....even Buddish...."Tao" broad....really happy. Thank you my friend.
Think about Life...think about something....what is our life target? or what is our destination?
Lots of people around me...always tell me that "I would like to experience more or explore more about the world, I want to go travel to more places, may go there to live for years in order to experience more"; "I want to do something that others won't do"; or "I don't care about others but I just want to do something I love".....when the time you told somebody you life target is having a family being a mother or father.....others will think you are so boring, you are not interesting enough, you are not enjoying life.....that's not life....
Is that right? my mind being what you are, doing what you want, no matter it is an "interesting" in others mind...can also be our life goal. Be ourselves be true to ourselves but not fitting others mind only. We can lie to the world by can't lie to ourselves ...
I may be boring in your mind, I may be not attractive, you may not like me, you may even hate me.......I will still go for my life destination, step by step. No matter going to the moon or just completion with your dipolma course.....its yours...pls go for it, There is no need to be a "huge or legendary one" .....but it must be the one being "yours"....
Autmun came....all my dear friends, take care and pray for you all
Friday, October 30, 2009
人大了。 對時間的觀念和年輕時不同, 因為經歷過, 痛過, 開心過, 錯過, 或是後悔過....無論如何時間對於今天的我是非常珍貴, 更要好好的把握不能浪費!! come come come go go go!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
人大了, 想的東西都同小時侯有很大分別。小時侯想的都是很"微細的", "自己的"....學業、玩樂、朋友、一些比較夢幻的目標。30過後, 想多了人生, 關於生命, 死亡, 家庭, 家人, 朋友...比已前更珍惜身邊的這一切一切。年青時, 死亡太遠了, 時間多的是可以盡情揮霍, 家人太煩, 朋友貴多不貴精...
30年時間令自己看多了感受多了經歷多了...雖然不是歷盡蒼桑, 但總會嘗到一點人生的甜、酸、苦、辣, 生、離、死、別....可能自己是一個比較敏感的人, 這些人生點滴總令我難忘...人生高低能令我看清楚什麼值得我們珍惜、什麼是真愛。時間久了, 更令人明白誰才是真朋友...。經歷生死, 令我更愛生命, 更珍惜時間, 更愛我所愛的。
一些固有相信的所謂"信念", 也因為人大了已會有所取捨。因為明白了時間不等人, 想做的、想要的不能再等, 要盡力、盡快去做。但因為明白了, 謀事在人成事在天所以我會盡我努力但不會強求...
從"Being Happy"、"Making Friends" 到 "與成功有約"、"人生的弱點" 到 "窮爸爸, 富爸爸"、"男女大不同" 、"富足一生" 到 "六祖慧能"、"漫畫老子"、"漫步人生"、給女兒的信" 、"六十歲的情書".....
感謝一切一切我所經歷的, 沒有"你"沒有今天的我! 希望以後更能用心去感受生命、感受愛...活得更豐盛更快樂。朋友們願你們也一樣!!
30年時間令自己看多了感受多了經歷多了...雖然不是歷盡蒼桑, 但總會嘗到一點人生的甜、酸、苦、辣, 生、離、死、別....可能自己是一個比較敏感的人, 這些人生點滴總令我難忘...人生高低能令我看清楚什麼值得我們珍惜、什麼是真愛。時間久了, 更令人明白誰才是真朋友...。經歷生死, 令我更愛生命, 更珍惜時間, 更愛我所愛的。
一些固有相信的所謂"信念", 也因為人大了已會有所取捨。因為明白了時間不等人, 想做的、想要的不能再等, 要盡力、盡快去做。但因為明白了, 謀事在人成事在天所以我會盡我努力但不會強求...
從"Being Happy"、"Making Friends" 到 "與成功有約"、"人生的弱點" 到 "窮爸爸, 富爸爸"、"男女大不同" 、"富足一生" 到 "六祖慧能"、"漫畫老子"、"漫步人生"、給女兒的信" 、"六十歲的情書".....
感謝一切一切我所經歷的, 沒有"你"沒有今天的我! 希望以後更能用心去感受生命、感受愛...活得更豐盛更快樂。朋友們願你們也一樣!!
有咩想做 (2)
沒有update, 不是沒有感想只是懶惰...
1. 放假...放了一個短假, 但沒有去旅行....但自己想放假, 對自己好一點已進步了。
2. 學0野 - 從拾相機, 學習放下、學習享受生活、學習享受生命、學習讚美、學習愛人愛自己...沒有證書, 沒有學位, 更沒有文憑...真的開心了。感謝!
3. D90, 18-105, 50, 70-300 my dearest partners, 多謝你0地
4. Bought a new suit la ^_^ - not very good one but cheap and ok la
5. 堅持"價值投資", 無懼"海嘯", 一切 on track ...向財務獨立進發 (朋友們, join me!)
6. I feel that I am better day by day....never enough, add oil (to all my friends and myself)
7. 成績不是太好 58"xx', ok la...haha....looking forward to 2010!
8. Done (more computer, worse of my eye sight....have to remind myself to keep healthy. Friends if i didn't say hi to you when you saw me on the street...just becaz of my shortsighted)
9. .......?
其實我已差點忘了這些...09 To Do List items...現在回看, 不過不失吧。原來做到了不少...開心!
2010 漸近....新一年新希望, 新目標........朋友們 let's go together la
沒有update, 不是沒有感想只是懶惰...
1. 放假...放了一個短假, 但沒有去旅行....但自己想放假, 對自己好一點已進步了。
2. 學0野 - 從拾相機, 學習放下、學習享受生活、學習享受生命、學習讚美、學習愛人愛自己...沒有證書, 沒有學位, 更沒有文憑...真的開心了。感謝!
3. D90, 18-105, 50, 70-300 my dearest partners, 多謝你0地
4. Bought a new suit la ^_^ - not very good one but cheap and ok la
5. 堅持"價值投資", 無懼"海嘯", 一切 on track ...向財務獨立進發 (朋友們, join me!)
6. I feel that I am better day by day....never enough, add oil (to all my friends and myself)
7. 成績不是太好 58"xx', ok la...haha....looking forward to 2010!
8. Done (more computer, worse of my eye sight....have to remind myself to keep healthy. Friends if i didn't say hi to you when you saw me on the street...just becaz of my shortsighted)
9. .......?
其實我已差點忘了這些...09 To Do List items...現在回看, 不過不失吧。原來做到了不少...開心!
2010 漸近....新一年新希望, 新目標........朋友們 let's go together la
Monday, January 19, 2009
1. 放假 +/- 去旅行....英國、日本、......同邊個去....
2. 學0野
3. 買部新DC
4. 或者買套新西裝 (if I can find a suitable one)
5. 想想新投資計劃、投資方向 (save more $$)
6. 好好地全面檢討08....自身、工作、生活、...努力面向09 (每日都做 ga la)
7. Marathon 又到了
8. 驗眼+配眼鏡
想太多,做的太少...要努力一點! 要好好把握!
2. 學0野
3. 買部新DC
4. 或者買套新西裝 (if I can find a suitable one)
5. 想想新投資計劃、投資方向 (save more $$)
6. 好好地全面檢討08....自身、工作、生活、...努力面向09 (每日都做 ga la)
7. Marathon 又到了
8. 驗眼+配眼鏡
想太多,做的太少...要努力一點! 要好好把握!
近日心情有點起伏不是因為自己的事情, 我諗係因為朋友既故事令自起想多左吧! 原來生活真係好似做戲一樣不論是 "家好月圓" 或是 "珠光寶器", 戲中的情節在真實生活中發生時原來真係可以好可怕...你騙我、我騙你, 可怕的不是別人而是你身邊最親的人....為了自己的利益, 人真係可以不顧一切?
雖然人大了, 對社會的真實一面認識多了一點....但我依然相信真心、真誠、真愛的存在。朋友 pray for you!
天真嗎?....haha 我係!
雖然人大了, 對社會的真實一面認識多了一點....但我依然相信真心、真誠、真愛的存在。朋友 pray for you!
天真嗎?....haha 我係!
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