Monday, January 19, 2009


1. 放假 +/- 去旅行....英國、日本、......同邊個去....
2. 學0野
3. 買部新DC
4. 或者買套新西裝 (if I can find a suitable one)
5. 想想新投資計劃、投資方向 (save more $$)
6. 好好地全面檢討08....自身、工作、生活、...努力面向09 (每日都做 ga la)
7. Marathon 又到了
8. 驗眼+配眼鏡

想太多,做的太少...要努力一點! 要好好把握!


soon said...

great!! support u my friend!!

ahtong said...

Wao!! add oil to work hard on it one by one :)support you!!

Siu Ching said...

..........It's May already..........where have you been? update update pls!