Tuesday, January 31, 2006


好久不見你了....你知道我每次見到你生活開開心心, 我都會不自覺的替你高興。原來看見別人開心, 自己也可以好開心....還記得以前和你共事的日子...我不開心的、你不開心的...一切切....

今天見你生活得好, 幸福滿到漏....我真係好開心。當然我知你有你唔開心的時刻, 但見到你克服一切有今日的日子.....只有給你一句..."哈哈哈"。希望你和你一家永遠開心、幸福、健康!

You Time - Narcissus 水仙

It is your time!
Each year around this time, you'll be one more the most popular icon all over HK.

Thank you for giving us yourself, your lovely smell and your prettiness to the world. See you next year!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006


一個人、一個故事...講出自己的故事, 別人聽了流下了眼淚....看在眼裡有點內疚, 自己其實也在咬著唇...記得你曾因為我的故事而流淚, 也為自己所講所作而感動.....就像電影橋段一樣, 老套而真實...

我有的故事, 你有你的故事....每個故事有因也有果、有喜也有悲....它們令我們成長, 令我們改變。有些不想回憶但未可忘記, 有些就是想想也不能自控的笑了出來...因為有我所以有你, 也因為你的出現, 成了今天的我。

一個一個故事在身邊發生, 一段一段回憶伴著我們成長......

complaints & sharing

i am so happy to receive complaints from my blog readers, thanks for your complaints. Thanks for visiting here, when the time i know somebody keep visiting here it keeps me share myself with all of you.

Dear readers,
i am sorry i can't satisfy yours need.


sharing is not easy in nowadays world, difficult to have suitable audience/ topics/ time/ chance..you have to trust the audience, you are not afriad to show real you, you are not afraid to tell you secret, so you share/ suitable topic so that there will be symphony with you/ living in such a horrible cosmopolitan time is limited besides work......

i am always a super "slow heat" guy in other people's eyes, somebody even think i am a hoarse guy....in the past. Sharing is a kind of relief and enriching our life and horizon; if with suitable person, suitable time, suitable chance, suitable topic it is surely a lovely event

thanks for yours sharing and listening my dear friends

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A night with you

A night before 06


人與人的相處從來都是一門不易的學問、藝術。科學可以用同一方法在不同時間、地方反覆驗證; 但藝術就是不會重複, 不同人, 不同時間都會有不同的結果而且可能是永遠不能明白也不能理解的。今天這是對, 明天這是非....所有人與人之間的事很多時都不能理解、更沒有絕對的是與非...
同一個人, 因為自私、利益、為了討好別人, 今天明天都有不同的角色; 講不同的說話......今天我們同仇敵愾、明天不是你死就我亡。朋友、情人、工作伙伴, ....究竟誰是真心、誰是假意....或者本來就沒有對與錯.....只是我太天真罷。

這一切一切每一天都令我窒息....或者凡事不應太執著, 學習放開、放鬆。做一個令人喜歡的人好難, 原來在今天的世界想做回自己也不易.....


My dear friend,

Today is your day

You know i am very happy to see you wedding day; nothing to say but just a tranditional message: Best wishes to Jeffrey and you happy forever from my heart!

count down

31/12/2005, the last day of 2005.....no special feeling about it, may be i am not really sensitive to time. 2005 is going to leave us, that means i am getting one year older am i really being older or so call mature in all aspect? I felt a lot, saw a lot, thought a lot in 2005; in my work, life, family, ....the most impressive is relationship between people. It makes me change, makes me believe what is reality....i hate fake, i hate hypocrite, i hate gossip
no pay, no pain.....hope i can still be myself no matter what happen

Goodbye 2005, i learn a lot from you!
thanks a lot