Friday, March 30, 2007

Not Easy - tough

Being a sleepless guy recently....due to work, due to family issue, due to personal issue. But it is better this week, everything will be fine I believe.

New tasks - new tasks means something that you didn't do before, no experience, never think about what to do....everyday facing or new task, which is not easy. Tire, stressful, and frustration. Each time when you came across it/them, you'll be pround of yourself no matter you have a good result or just fair in it, caz you already defected yourself.

Recently want to find some old books in bookstore, but don't have time to walk around....hope I can find "you" soon.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Dortmund pics in last 2 days

Last 2 days, besides work........visiting Koln (an old city) and some sort of leisure walk.

Dortmund day 3 & 4

A company lion gift from German colleague, cutie!

Tie from H&M
Day 3 and 4, visiting with 2 other doctors and hospitals. One is very famous in Europe, although that case is nothing special, still good to see his surgery. Besides, surely having expensive Japanese food in there for dinner....the food was great but super expensive. I have asked my colleagues recent years Japanese, Thai and Chinese food became very popular in Germany and quite amazing all of them can use chopsticks........but no more fork......

It is quite cold at night time after sunset.....still a warm winter for them snow at least. During the leisure time, i always go for a walk myself at the nearby shopping centers and small resturants.....H&M, Espirt, fish and fries.....etc.......surely i take this time to go H&M this time caz it is the most pop topic in HK recently. Quite a lot of choice in there and comparably cheap (not really cheap), finally bought a tie for myself

Monday, March 19, 2007

will be continue

After a long day back, will continue update tomorrow.
see you.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

2nd day in Dortmund

Not really cold in the morning, meet my colleague (typical European style man - cool) at 730am after breakfast step in a BMW....really a nice car (everyone in there have company car - BMW, Mercedes Benz or Audi) Visiting my 1st hospital and a big big doctor (in size) in there, Dr. Kupper who is a very experience doctor after about 30 minutes drive. Sure it is a bit strange to see someone with black hair, black eyes and small guy for their staff, but the people there were very nice, polite and good to me.

Lunch with 3 more Germany colleagues, just a simple lunch but they are really very nice to me. Dinner with six colleagues in total in a Japanese resturant, the food was excellent, but nearly fell asleep during dinner....dinner till 930pm that night (HK time 330am)

After all day with German people, German (language) and I speak all day in English....finally have a nightmare with strange languagesss insides....

1st day in Germany

Arrived on Sunday. I have prepare a dwan jacket for the cold weather in there, it was really a freezing day when the time I arrived in the airport. The hotel is just a simple one but nice and tidy as there was no schedule for myself on Sunday, so I can go wondering by myself.

The hotel is just bseides the city center so I can found the shops and resturants very easy. We I love most in there were those big big sports shopping centers, tonnes of choice and varieties of sports equipments you can found. The 1st day once again, my 1st lunch in Dortmund - Mcdonald!

Dinner with the manager in there with his son and one colleague. Nice resturant, nice environment.

Dortmund - 1st day

Different place, different feeling to me. The trip for training - visiting hosptials, observing for cases, surely besides checking the living of German and checking the style and culture in Dortmund.

The warmest Winter in Dortmund.

11Mar 2007, Frankfurt Airport training station

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Leaving by tonight, back on 18th. Safe and nice trip.
see you all in 18th.


Sunday, March 04, 2007


2007年3月4日, 不經不覺間07年已經過了2個月了。在我自己的感覺中, 時間真的走得越來越快...很多事情還未完成...

初春已到了, 綿綿細雨、濕淋淋的天氣....總是令我整個人也不自在, 下雨天什麼也不態做很是討厭...是否因為這天氣令我近來總是心神不定, 什麼都提不起勁....? 下週天氣再次轉涼, 朋友們小心身體!