Wednesday, December 28, 2005

video for ki

My new video - Showtime-ki

You brought "ku fu" to the world, you brought "Chinese" to the world! A little Hong Kong Chinese man borned in SanFransico, being famous in US and all over the world....not only a ku fu star, not only a so called action star, but bring us your philosophy, your style, your mind to the world. You became a cultural symbol in Hong Kong....up to now, the date your born, the date your gone....still many people (foreign and Chinese) visit you. You told us to be ourselves, you told us to express ourselves truly, you told us what is real, you told us we can do what we believe....

After 30 something years after you gone, finally we have a memorial statue for you....we should be ashame, you have been being a forever memorial for the people all over the world for over 30 years.....HK people, HK government...please treasure the property/ culture/ art/....everything original from HK or with HK style.....


Christmas is always a time for happiness, may be it is not really true for everyone in the world still hope for the best for all. On the night Christmas Eve, sms to friends or colleagues....he, she, it...think and think and think...i am sorry i knew i miss a lot...loss of phone no., loss of contact, don't want to be a stranger or afraid they don't want to have it....etc....

Is this a happy Christmas for me...i don't know but it is a peaceful Christmas

Once again blessing to all my dear friends

Sunday, December 18, 2005

HK police

Living in such a safe city, i have never pay too much attention to the performance of HK police....tonight i really want to thanks for the HK police! I don't know whether WTO is a great issue for HK...when the i saw those who is trying to cause any harm to HK people and property, i really feel the importance of HK police....



living in WanChai since i born....tonight really a bit sad, i have never come across this kind of atomsphere in WanChai.....It is totally being a "Dead City". I am very sorry and a bit heart pain when the time i read the news on TV, i don't know how to express my feeling just sad.

I would like to thanks all my dear friends....i got all your calls and sms....thanks for caring about me! I am safely home tonight, hope everyone living in WanChai have a peaceful weekend!

best wishes to WanChai residents....


惑許我不完全明白你們的情況和感受, 但你們今天的表現真的令我好失望....也令我害怕.....我真心的同情你們也希望你們可以活得更好......
你們有權表達你們的意見、想法, 但不能接受你們的暴力....你們表達意見用暴力去傷害其他人的生活及權利, 對唔住 我真的不能接受......這一次我真的憤怒了!

Monday, December 12, 2005


This winter as warm as recent years, it is mid-December still 16-20 degrees only, in the coming days may be around 10 may be a good thing for me as i am quite afraid of cold. Walking alone on the street facing the cool cool wind with a tire body after work....comfort and blues with me. Every winter it seems already a habit to buy new coat, shoes, pants, scarfs...preparing for the cold day, preparing for a new style for everyone in winter. In the past i am part of them but not this year i didn't buy anything for myself....not even a tee....don't know why...may be i am too lazy to dress up myself. Friends always ask me "your new suit looks good wo" normal reply "no, this suit already wear for over 5 years", "this shoes over 4 years".....this shirt over 6 years......i am sorry i didn't have any contribution to the HK economy for years

Staying on my bed with open window...i can feel the wind blowing for the window...although it is cold, i still prefer with an open window rather than a sealed environment. With my radio, little fan, magazines......a silence mobile phone.....

It is 12/12/2005....already.....
a cool cool winter night

Thursday, December 01, 2005

生、老、病、死....從來是人生必經的過程; 無論富或貧, 或許這是世界上小數能看到公平對待的地方! 每天走在看盡生死邊緣的地方....雖然不經不覺間已過了幾年, 但每當看到病人的離世、病程每下愈況....總會有點講不出的心痛、失落。20多歲大好年華...40多歲, 每次見你總會談到近況....雖然你和我沒有什麼關係, 也希望你能安好.....

願我身邊的所有人都身體健康, 珍惜一切,....