Sunday, October 28, 2007

leaving town again

See you all soon. Sydney again, but this time is for work, anyway hope I'll be fine.

See you later my friends

Monday, October 22, 2007

Good news

Ring Ring Ring.....receiving calls from friends, mostly are good news from them. As in recent years approaching year end, quite a lot of "RED BOMBS" come to me. Sure it should be a happy moment for all my friends. They are stepping into another stage of life, I really happy for them.

Those married friends seems enjoying their lives very much, I am happy for them and....recently some of them becoming more and more some of them got babies. I am so glad to talk to them, they always share their experience on take care of bb to me....haha...they are enjoy their new lives!!

All the best to them

Autumn me, moody me


秋天除了給我一個秋高氣爽的感覺之外, 也會令人感到一點憂傷...
秋天到來預是一年已近尾聲, 時間不等人。秋去冬又來.....了

Friday, October 12, 2007


自中秋節過後, 秋天的氣息可以從一陣陣的秋風感受到。
喜歡秋風的清爽, 秋天的衣飾,
不溫不火的氣溫, 一陣陣的涼風