Monday, December 03, 2007

Outstation pics- Sydney

Cool Street Show!

No mood to take pics in recent trips, just have some pics from my mobile. My mobile cam is not that good, anyway hope can share some with all of you.


375ml from Sydney?

Friday, November 30, 2007


一個月內出兩次 trips 在我來說都是第一次。 今次的目的地是曾經到過2次的 Malaysia, 兩次都只是工作沒有時間到外面走走。今次雖然有些空閒時間, 但無有心情所以只靜靜地留在酒店休息吧...


Sunday, November 25, 2007



努力在今天, 希望在明天。

Sunday, November 11, 2007


昨天因為慶祝朋友們的生日, 我們一干人去了偉哥和jessie 的家攪大食會。 當然除了食之外我什麼也幫不上, 最辛苦的當然是主人家吧! 一次又一次的"意外"令偉哥及jessie 忙得不可開交。紅酒、美食 - 蝦、蟹、沙律、美味的牛排和羊肉.......還有不可缺的birthday cake!.....多到食唔曬。

一班朋友的聚會總有不盡的話題, 說說從前....開開玩笑, 我十分享受! 好享受開心的時刻! 謝謝偉哥, jessie! 辛苦曬!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

leaving town again

See you all soon. Sydney again, but this time is for work, anyway hope I'll be fine.

See you later my friends

Monday, October 22, 2007

Good news

Ring Ring Ring.....receiving calls from friends, mostly are good news from them. As in recent years approaching year end, quite a lot of "RED BOMBS" come to me. Sure it should be a happy moment for all my friends. They are stepping into another stage of life, I really happy for them.

Those married friends seems enjoying their lives very much, I am happy for them and....recently some of them becoming more and more some of them got babies. I am so glad to talk to them, they always share their experience on take care of bb to me....haha...they are enjoy their new lives!!

All the best to them

Autumn me, moody me


秋天除了給我一個秋高氣爽的感覺之外, 也會令人感到一點憂傷...
秋天到來預是一年已近尾聲, 時間不等人。秋去冬又來.....了

Friday, October 12, 2007


自中秋節過後, 秋天的氣息可以從一陣陣的秋風感受到。
喜歡秋風的清爽, 秋天的衣飾,
不溫不火的氣溫, 一陣陣的涼風

Sunday, September 16, 2007


依然在尋找著自己在一些事情上的定位, 我相信可以但還雖要一D時間。

除了工作, 真的要在生活上的其他用多點力和時間, 專注多一點健康、精神生活、.....喜歡跟友人的聚會, 喜歡到書局找尋新書, 喜歡無憂慮、無事掛在心的感覺, 喜歡懶洋洋待在家中, 喜歡....zzzzzzz

人大了更希望能感受多一點生活 - 自己的生活。

Monday, August 13, 2007


好多0野想講, 又講不出來....或者我想得太多了。





A gift from my mom

I am always not trend enough in my mom's mind, sometimes even a bit old fashion...a trendy gift from my mom.

I love it and love you mom!




我不懂音樂, 個人認為能感動人就是好音樂了。

昨天的一個 saxaphone 小型音樂, 有不同類型的演繹: pop, funky, latin, jazz, classical (be frank sure i don't really know what they are?????) 在週日下午, 有機會看看一班色士風有心人 (當中不乏高手) 的演出, 真是一個不錯的選擇! 其中一些sax有心人的分享中, 更明白人生中的一些堅持當中的苦與樂。 雖然有心人口中的苦比樂多, 但看見他們在台上的那份滿足和自信....我相信當時人都會覺得值得。能夠令人感動就更是賺"突"了吧!

我唱的歌 (k歌only), 又有否曾經令人感動過?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A page in life

Dear HKCEE Students,

Tomorrow you guys and gals will come across a day you all think it is the most important day in yours' lives. I do believe you will finally see more and more tough challengens coming in the future. Just want to take this chance to say good luck and all the best to all of you.

A former student who came across HKCEE...many years ago!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


原來生活唔需要太多其他也可以過得悠悠閒閒。近來多了時間去做自己喜歡的事; 每天到書局看書、游水、踢波、和友人聚會暢所欲言。除了肉體上的自由, 思想上的空間也比較廣闊....有時更會幻想著退休後的生活可以像今天的一樣嗎? 天真的我當然也明白世界上沒有免費午餐, 凡事都要為日來打算。今天的努力, 希望是明天的收成。當然也想不能忽略今天的需要, 過份的節制也不是太明智吧!

重新上路, 希望一個新開始會有一番新景象!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


財務計劃 or Financial Planning
一個近年時常聽到的term, 或是一個近十年的新興行業。其實在現代社會無論有無這個行業, 身在香港這個欠缺社會保障的社會, 每一個人都真的雖要為自己訂做一個合身的計劃。不是為了要發達, 只是希望可以為未來的生活在財務方面有多一點預算、多一點保障吧....可以的話如果能做到 "經濟獨立" 或 "發達" 當然更加是大家的夢想! 很多時和身邊的友人或同事講到這個話題, 發現身邊很多人不但完全沒有這方面的計劃, 入不敷出、"周身債" 的為數也不少....當然每個人或每個家庭都有自己的故事和困難, 我這裡只談論那些有能力卻沒有好好計劃的。其實在我心中做到收支平衡是"基本動作"或者是common sense, 但後來我發現這完全是我單方面的想法而已.....

計劃自己, 家庭, 兒女.....父母....一切切.....做現代香港人真不容易......

"喝"- 不足、想要的感覺

原本以為自己還可以, 但當你發現天外有天人外有人......世界原來十分大
時.....我只會更"喝", 希望可以學得更多。....每一天都想學多一點, 知多一點, 實踐多一d



Internet information is just like a "galaxy"......seems no end, no edge and no boundary.


Sai Kung and UST

Can you see MEGABOX?

Mountain of "Lion" is just there

A place that I have never been.

A place that worth to visit.

A place can view half of Kowloon.

p.s. Thank you ki for taking me us that in such a good weather! HK still have such a good place, we should treasure what we are having.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Soon, Eva, Queenie, Daiman, Candy, Ivy, Wong man, West and Tik, .....good to see see you gals. Don't know why may be really long long time didn't have this kind of gathering, although I have to leave early still enjoy the time with you all.


Long long time didn't gathering with so much friends, one to one or one to ten, due to the busy life, due to the laziness.....although still have annoying things in mind, still a lovely gathering with so many friend.

Rainny days, annoying things.....accompnay with me these days. When the time I was small I love looking at the rain at night. I was lying on my bed with opened curtain.....rain falling down with street light, the droplets with reflected light makes it quite a lovely night scenes...with the "dip dip dip dip....." don't know why I love the sound of fallen rain.

Can't made up my mind....but can you (rain) give me an answer?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


一張友人的結婚照, 個人覺得十分不錯想與大家分享。
邦, 祝福你們!

New Challenge in life

Finally coming to the last day leaving the field I have stayed over 8 one knows whether it is the right decision, but that's my choice in life. I do believe it is the time for me to move forward or It will only become an obsession in my life. I enjoy the time staying in the medical field, I really gain a lot....friendship, customer relation, experience in life, ....too much to say. I understand that I will have face something complete new to my life, but as what I have done in my my best and go for it! I am so glad that I have the chance to go or to move forward, thank you for everything!

If you ask me...besides luck, I would say I have prepared it for years.....gear up myself in all aspect, grap as much as possible in every minute.....Be frank, a bit scare and tonnes of question marks in my mind about the future.....but I have prepared myself to take this challenge! I am coming, Benny!

Looking forward to the future....!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


一步, 一步, 一步........

Monday, May 21, 2007


從來不懂品評自己是否一個有計劃的人。因為有是覺得自己係, 有時又覺得自己太主觀或唔夠detail。不懂享受生活, 是自己的缺點....可能因為這個原因我的所為計劃, 都只包括工作(事業)和金錢....當然也照顧到家人。而且全都係以5-10"年"來做單位, 短過一年的就沒有太詳細的內容了。你問我下個月放假去邊道? "吓下個月放咩假呀?幾時?幾號呀?"這是我真心的回應.....

今天的生活和今天的種種, 有5 年前播下的種也有10年前留下的葉片。當然也有很多是因緣和機遇吧。"緣"和"份"同時出現時也許你能夠把它捉住; 有緣無份/有份無緣就只有讓它去吧。有準備的話"機遇"到時, 你能及時察覺及時捉緊....很多時或會成為你人生一些重要的章節。我地唔會知道結果, 只有事後才知道。

十年前.....十年後, 事業、家庭、自己....得到很多、學懂很多。只想在這段路上, 給我遇上的 一切人和事說聲 "多謝"!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Although I am being a stock investor for quite a long time, but never talk about it here. Stock investment is one of the hottest topic in the HK/Mainland or I should say all over the world is about stocks. Especially in HK and mainland China, people are more and more crazy to jump into the stock market.....22 trading days, 18 days rise....last year till now if you earn only 10-80%, please keep silence; if you earn about 1-3 times you are just passed; 3-7 times you are "God of investment". This is the situation now in mainland China.

Friends or people around me always talk about IPO, stock market, stock market trend.....etc....But mostly i won't involve in it unless those are my very good friends...the one even don't know what is IPO, what is stock, what they are buying can make $$ from it....

Quite a lot of friends always ask me to give them "number", but most of the time I refuse their request as my investment philosophy may not yours. Sure it is really a 大時代 in the stock investment especially in China, but does it suitable for everyone or everyone can make money from it "FINALLY"......god knows....even me. I always remind myself to beware of the risks, tricks, traps in there.

If you want to have number, I am not the one for you. If you want to have discussion about investment I am always welcome as that's one of my interest.

同志們, 祝大家好運

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


一隻猴子看到一個放滿香蕉的玻璃瓶在森林的一角。 猴子滿心歡喜。 本想把整個瓶香蕉拿走但因為太重了, 所以只能把手伸進玻璃瓶裡把香蕉拿出來。但因為玻璃瓶口太細的關係, 拿著香蕉的手完全無法伸出來.......猴子一再嘗試依然不能成功, 但牠仍不放棄死握著瓶裡的香蕉不放.........最後當然被獵人捉了....

有些時候學會放開 、學會放手, 不但可以令自己的生活輕鬆D。更可能令自己得到更多。

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


很久沒有update 這個blog, 原因有二。1. 累和懶 2. 平淡的生活上沒有什麼特別的想update (至少這是自己的感覺吧)

人生第一次打哥爾夫球, 比想像中容易上手。當然我的動作很terrible! 和其他事情一樣, 要打(做)得好一定要付出!

公司又有同事辭職。不為什麼, 只為覓更好的明天我們全力支持!

工作上有點迷失。可以跑跑步, 踼踼波原來是最能為生活減壓, 也是我最好的娛樂吧! 當時小不了到書店走走啦。

Monday, April 23, 2007

A week

Not an easy week.
But finally gone, another one is coming.

Better and better

Monday, April 02, 2007


看見友人一步一步的向自己的夢想走近, 真替她高興。每日工作, 有時真的不知為誰辛苦為誰忙。夢想可能就是我們的推動力吧! 無論大或小也可以....出國讀書、買車、買樓、家庭、事業, 只要有夢想, 凡事可成真。有點老套, 但不知可解我相信它, 或者我比較老套。突然想起一套電影對白 「人無如果夢想, 同條咸魚有咩分別?」

簡單一點, 想做就去做。今日不成, 只要堅持、努力終有一天會成功。不成功又怎樣? 管它吧!至少曾經努力過, 當中的過程也畢生受用了。


Friday, March 30, 2007

Not Easy - tough

Being a sleepless guy recently....due to work, due to family issue, due to personal issue. But it is better this week, everything will be fine I believe.

New tasks - new tasks means something that you didn't do before, no experience, never think about what to do....everyday facing or new task, which is not easy. Tire, stressful, and frustration. Each time when you came across it/them, you'll be pround of yourself no matter you have a good result or just fair in it, caz you already defected yourself.

Recently want to find some old books in bookstore, but don't have time to walk around....hope I can find "you" soon.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Dortmund pics in last 2 days

Last 2 days, besides work........visiting Koln (an old city) and some sort of leisure walk.

Dortmund day 3 & 4

A company lion gift from German colleague, cutie!

Tie from H&M
Day 3 and 4, visiting with 2 other doctors and hospitals. One is very famous in Europe, although that case is nothing special, still good to see his surgery. Besides, surely having expensive Japanese food in there for dinner....the food was great but super expensive. I have asked my colleagues recent years Japanese, Thai and Chinese food became very popular in Germany and quite amazing all of them can use chopsticks........but no more fork......

It is quite cold at night time after sunset.....still a warm winter for them snow at least. During the leisure time, i always go for a walk myself at the nearby shopping centers and small resturants.....H&M, Espirt, fish and fries.....etc.......surely i take this time to go H&M this time caz it is the most pop topic in HK recently. Quite a lot of choice in there and comparably cheap (not really cheap), finally bought a tie for myself

Monday, March 19, 2007

will be continue

After a long day back, will continue update tomorrow.
see you.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

2nd day in Dortmund

Not really cold in the morning, meet my colleague (typical European style man - cool) at 730am after breakfast step in a BMW....really a nice car (everyone in there have company car - BMW, Mercedes Benz or Audi) Visiting my 1st hospital and a big big doctor (in size) in there, Dr. Kupper who is a very experience doctor after about 30 minutes drive. Sure it is a bit strange to see someone with black hair, black eyes and small guy for their staff, but the people there were very nice, polite and good to me.

Lunch with 3 more Germany colleagues, just a simple lunch but they are really very nice to me. Dinner with six colleagues in total in a Japanese resturant, the food was excellent, but nearly fell asleep during dinner....dinner till 930pm that night (HK time 330am)

After all day with German people, German (language) and I speak all day in English....finally have a nightmare with strange languagesss insides....

1st day in Germany

Arrived on Sunday. I have prepare a dwan jacket for the cold weather in there, it was really a freezing day when the time I arrived in the airport. The hotel is just a simple one but nice and tidy as there was no schedule for myself on Sunday, so I can go wondering by myself.

The hotel is just bseides the city center so I can found the shops and resturants very easy. We I love most in there were those big big sports shopping centers, tonnes of choice and varieties of sports equipments you can found. The 1st day once again, my 1st lunch in Dortmund - Mcdonald!

Dinner with the manager in there with his son and one colleague. Nice resturant, nice environment.

Dortmund - 1st day

Different place, different feeling to me. The trip for training - visiting hosptials, observing for cases, surely besides checking the living of German and checking the style and culture in Dortmund.

The warmest Winter in Dortmund.

11Mar 2007, Frankfurt Airport training station

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Leaving by tonight, back on 18th. Safe and nice trip.
see you all in 18th.


Sunday, March 04, 2007


2007年3月4日, 不經不覺間07年已經過了2個月了。在我自己的感覺中, 時間真的走得越來越快...很多事情還未完成...

初春已到了, 綿綿細雨、濕淋淋的天氣....總是令我整個人也不自在, 下雨天什麼也不態做很是討厭...是否因為這天氣令我近來總是心神不定, 什麼都提不起勁....? 下週天氣再次轉涼, 朋友們小心身體!

Monday, February 26, 2007


農曆年初九一切回服 "正常" 又或其實這所謂 "正常"才是不正常。每日睡眠不足, 被強大的壓力包圍, 工作12-18小時, 一星期工作7天, 每天陽奉陰違.....這就是"正常"?

活在現實當中, 我們只有在現實中追尋自我、追尋自己想要的、想做的吧。圍繞在大家身邊能夠做自己想做, 過著自己想過生活既人少之又少。每日努力工作或每日辛苦工作又不是為了想自己和自己身邊的人活得開心和活得好一點吧! 在這個物質社會上能獲得富足的生活已不容易, 要得到心靈的滿足就更難了....或者我們每日為生活, 為生存工作的同時也要平衡自其他的生活所需....或者如老生常談 - 開心、滿足與否, 很多時 "原" 全在於 "你"。

你同意嗎? 你又做得到嗎?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


農曆新年四天的公眾假期今天已是最後一天了。在每個打工仔心中假期永遠不夠....年二十九行花市; 初一、二拜年; 初三終於可以休息了。但明天又要返工了...

農曆新年總得見見一些很久沒有見面或不太熟識的親戚和朋友。雖然沒有太多話題, 但這也不失為一個比大家保持聯繫的機會。或者人大了心態也不同了。無論西曆2007新年或農曆新年, 我都有著同一些新年目標。 工作、健康.....各樣各樣。

朋友們, 祝願各位來年: 身體健康、心想是成、賺多D、開開心心。

Monday, February 05, 2007

14 days after

14 days non-stop working without an holiday. Besides work, home and sleep, really don't have energy to do anything else. These 14 days, seems a long way to do. 2 internal presentation to big big boss - i got pass in it and one presentation for the big big world cardiac congress - i got an well done from my boss and audiences. In the past 2 years I really done lots of things I never experience, although they were not easy I really gain a lot and learn a lot thourhgout the journey. But what i need now is to take a rest at home....let me stay with my books, radio, and ...bed.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Visiting bookstore seems being one of my reflex action when the time I am free or when the time I have leisure. My home is not big, for myself I only got a very small area or I should say only a bed's area belongs to me, many years ago it already can't accomodate any more "new" things. That's why I always control myself don't buy anymore books.

But ......recent months in my memory, I have bought about several books mostly about investment. I do want to buy some in other topics but can't find a interesting one.

May be that's why I am not a interesting guy in other people's mind...anyway I am who I am ar ma.

up and down

Just had a working week with "up and down" in emotion. Although i have told myself don't pay any more heart into the recent years and I believe I can do it quite well indeed. This time something closely related to me ....makes me have a feeling in "roller coaster"...

Anyway, it has passed ....forget it. Tomorrow is coming.



Monday, January 08, 2007

妳, 走了

婆婆, 妳終於走了....我好掛念妳...媽媽也很想妳, 每當媽媽想到妳時總是紅著眼....看見媽媽紅著眼我的心很痛....

我們好好請妳不要擔心。希望妳也一切安好, 我會為妳祈禱.......

生、老、病、死, 人生必須經過....人越大越明白家庭、親情、朋友和愛的重要....我好珍惜愛我的, 也很珍惜我愛的....有些沒法免強, 在身邊的也不是必然....誰人愛我、錫我, 我能感受到的...我可以愛的我都會好好珍惜....

婆婆, 晚安。

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


記得媽媽講我們的緣份傱我出世就開始.....媽媽說妳第一眼看見我, 就說我會是一個好孩子...

小時侯"幫"媽媽睇擋時 (實際上是在倒蛋), 你每日早晨總會給我拾蚊買早餐吃。對幾歲的我, 拾蚊真是很多了......每次我總捨不得用.....

30多個孫跟外孫, 妳總對我有點偏心...., 在別人眼中妳是一個十分頑固的人或許我真的有點像妳。妳口硬心軟, 妳好錫我地每一個但妳總是不會說出來......對不起婆婆, 我不能完妳的願望。但我會好好做人請你放心....

看見你的子子孫孫...個個生活得好, 妳也可以放心....

2006 年尾點滴....

06年尾的一場地震令人再次感受到大自然的可怕, 也令天天依賴現代科技來工作和通訊的我們像突然斷了一隻手一樣。曾經多次嘗試登入網誌留下一些年尾的感想和點滴, 但都不成功....從聖誕節到今天終於成功了。

2006年走了, 自己還是一如已往在腦海裡回帶...為自己在這一年的所作所為來一次檢討、清算。無論工作, 朋友, 家庭, 自身, 還有投資大計...檢討後, 再為自己訂下一些目標, 希望可以在來年做得更好。06一切還好, 感謝一切一切。只是有一些點滴想說說吧....06年在工作上是辛苦的一年、真的不容易。當然從中得到的也不少, 對人、對事、自我角式上的轉變令我學到更多。可能因為06年是"好年", 多了機會見到一些很久沒見的人或朋友。更花多了時間和朋友相聚....雖然在朋友活動方面我依然比較懶惰.....好開心大dine 返來、聖誕party、遊車河、wallace診所開張、阿偉和jessie結婚, 一班同學做兄弟....

07年有更多事情要做, 更多的challenges coming....一切一切已在心中, 只望朋友們明天會更好!